Corsairs Hockey Equipment Management Services
Is innovating the hockey industry!
There is not a hockey pro shop at every corner!
Lets face it, if you play hockey or if you have kids that play hockey, at some point you may feel like you live at the rink!
Why not make hockey equipment management convenient
Why not bring professional hockey services, knowledge, and quality directly to the people who make hockey the great sport that it is!
Servicing the Dekalb/Sycamore area
(within approx 10 miles of our home shop in Cortland, IL)
Currently, individual mobile service calls are by appointment only please contact us
Not in my area? Do we hang out at the same places?

No problem! We're not locked to an area, just ask! We also might be at the rink! If we are there at the same time, set up an appointment, save some money, and lets meet up!
*Individual appointments outside of the service area may be subject to extra convenience charges
Fox Valley Ice Arena
1996 South Kirk Rd
Geneva, IL 60134
Salt Creek Sports Center / Hat Trick Hockey
647 Consumers Ave.
Palatine, IL 60074